Dr. David Alfaro
- Jun 1, 2016
- 5 min
But it's plant based!!!!!
I have a bunch of tree hugging vegan and vegetarian friends that are always posting pictures of cute cows and pigs suffering horrible...
Dr. David Alfaro
- Feb 21, 2016
- 6 min
That crazy dental amalgam
I am sure that every dentist out there has had a patient present with a main concern of, "my naturopath told me to get rid of my dental...
Dr. David Alfaro
- Feb 8, 2016
- 4 min
I could not come up with a quirky title for this. Again, this is one of those topics that has been trending on my social media feed for...
Dr. David Alfaro
- Sep 9, 2015
- 3 min
Natural Toothpastes
I am quasi Hippy. I mean, I like to shower, and I wear anti-perspirant, and I love to eat cute animals (the cuter the better actually),...